Salon Femmes br@nchées 100, le vendredi 7 février 20h au Studio XX

Une soirée dédiée à la performance multimédia


Coût: 10$, *GRATUIT* pour les membres.

La soirée « Ecrans profonds » présente une série de représentations en direct de musique/film/vidéo, prolongeant l’écran dans un espace physique/virtuel par le biais de performances et d’interventions formelles. Cette version inaugurale de la série se concentre sur des pratiques qui utilisent l’illusion optique, l’animation 3D, des accessoires et synthétiseurs afin d’explorer et détourner toutes les facettes de l’écran.


Projection d’animation sur pellicule 16mm, sous forme de performance rituelle. Bande sonore en direct par la grande-prêtresse du noise, Katherine Kline.

Visual artist Leyla Majeri and musician Katherine Kline have concocted many projects for sight and sound, including Headspace and Death Drive, two performative projects for rhythm synth, drumkit, puppets and costume. Most recently, they perform improvised screenings in the silent film style. Zodiacal Light is their most recent project in this vein. Performances include Transmodern Festival (Baltimore MD), End Tymes (Brooklyn, NY), Suoni Per Il Popolo and Mutek.

Yamantaka//Sonic Titan

Des mantras de percussions heavy psych-metal, accompagné d’apparitions des membres de Yamantaka//Sonic Titan en vidéo noir et blanc, le tout mis en scène par des illustrations sculpturales inspirées de l’épopée Manga.

Alaska B is a founding member of Yamantaka//Sonic Titan, an inter-media collective that uses visual art and music to explore its members’ diasporic cultural experiences as Asian-Canadians and members of First Nations. Through reference to a variety of cultural forms, the band shatters the comfort with which colonialist cultures have appropriated the image and art of Asian and First Nations peoples to assemble a unique hybrid form.  In live contexts, the collective presents this material amidst a theatrical fusion of the aesthetics of Japanese, Chinese, and First Nations’ mythology; black and white television; rock opera; and manga-influenced set design.


Sabrina Ratté + Le Révélateur créent un parcours audiovisuel étincelant, cosmique, qui dévoile l’illusion de profondeur.

Le Révélateur started in 2008 as a solo venture for Montreal-based electronic musician Roger Tellier-Craig. It has since then expanded into an audio-visual duo with the inclusion of video artist Sabrina Ratté in 2010. Together they explore a common fascination for the combination of electronic image and sound, using a varying array of digital and analogue technologies. They have performed together at various festivals across North America and Europe, including On Land festival (San Francisco), Mutek (Montreal), Mutek.Mx (Mexico City), Electric Fields (Ottawa), Micro Mutek (Barcelona), Suoni per Il Popolo (Montreal), Send+Receive (Winnipeg), and Tone Deaf (Kingston).

Le Révélateur has released recordings on Root Strata (Motion Flares, 2010), Emeralds’ member Steve Hauschildt’s own Gneiss Things (Fictions, 2011), and NNA Tapes (Horizon Fears, 2012). Root Strata have also recently published a DVD entitled Fictions, a collection of all videos created by Sabrina Ratté for each composition featured on the LP of the same name.

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