Le Globe & Mail annonce un nouveau prix en arts visuels


Call for Submissions

As part of their new partnership, The Globe and Mail and The Council for Business and the Arts in Canada (CBAC) are very pleased to announce a $10,000 juried art competition for the creation of an award to recognize businesses for their partnerships with Canadian artistic organizations. This award will be called:

The Globe and Mail Business for the Arts Award


Submission package available: April 24, 2006
Deadline for Submission: June 15, 2006 at 5pm EST
Announcement of winner: June 30, 2006
Deadline for Fabrication of first twelve awards: September, 2006
First award celebration: Fall 2006

Overview of Design and Competition Parameters:

  • This competition is open to all Canadian artists including students.
  • The award piece must be a hand held sized, three dimensional article.
  • It should be no smaller than 9″ and no higher than 15″ in height and no wider than 8″.
  • It must be able to be freestanding (either alone or mounted on a base).
  • The piece must offer a place to be engraved or to affix a small plaque.
  • It should no weigh more than 2 kilos.
  • The materials from which it is constructed must be readily available.
  • The work should not be overly fragile.
  • The piece must be easily reproducible.
  • The work should reflect the nature of the award.
  • The award may be named by the partners (i.e. like the Junos, the Doras, etc.).

For a detailed package including full application and submission requirements please go the following link http://www.businessforarts.org/awards/awdes.asp or contact:
Council for Business and the Arts in Canada
416.869.3016 Ext.228

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