Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency Studio Program

Gyeonggi Creation Center supports creative work and research for domestic and foreign artists, curators and theorists through an art residency alongside a wide range of programs and facilities. GCC acts as a platform to gather artists, curators and theorists from all over the world for international exchange and as an experimental and progressive contemporary art center to collectively engage and cultivate synergy among artists of various genres.

For the 2010 Residency Studio Program, GCC will accept applications from artists, curators, and theorists working in visual and media arts. Artists, curators, and theorists may apply in December 2009.

Session : March 2010 – February 2011

Long term residency : 1 year
8 – 10 artists, curators or theorists
Short term residnecy : from 1 to 6 months
30 – 40 artists, curators or theorists


  • Creative Residency Program : Artists in visual and media arts
  • Research Residency Program : Curators, Art Theorists, and writers



  • Domestic and foreign artists in visual and media arts, curators, art theorists, and writers
  • No limitation of age, nationality, or gender
  • Artists who be able to participate during their own residency session

Selecting Procedure

  • All applications will be evaluated by the selection committee comprising art professionals
  • Pre-selection by paper screening / Main selection by interview / final decision

For foreign applicants interview is optional

Materials for application

  • Application form (download at GCC homepage)
  • CV or resumé
  • A project description of intended activity during the residency
  • Work samples (CD/DVD) : maximum 20 images or 5 minutes of video
  • Copy of passport or I.D Certificate

Application Procedure
Submission Period : December 10 – December 31, 2009
Application can be made direct or post to,
Gyeonggi Creation Center
400-3 Seongam-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Applications must be postmarked by December 31, 2009.

 February 15, 2010
The selected list will be posted at the website of Gyeonggi Creation Center

Phone : 82.32.890.4820/4823/4825
Email :
Additional information may be obtained at

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