2012 AIR Taipei

AIR Taipei offers 2 bases for international artists to develop and realize their projects in Taipei, they are Taipei Artist Villiage(TAV) and Treasure Hill Artist Village(THAV). TAV locates in the city center where the artists can easily access the public and the art network; THAV sits in the unique historical settlement of village style where awaits to be explored by the artists to put creativities in.


Fellowship 1: AIR Taipei International Artist in Residence (No limitation for nationalities)

Fellowship 2: Special Project – Artists from Sister Cities of Taipei (For the list of sister cities, please refer to the guideline)

Application through email is NOT acceptable. For inquiries about artist-in-residence, please email to

air@artistvillage.org ; or call +886 2 3393 7377.

For more information: Exhibtion Proposals

Download:2012 AIR Artist-in-Residence Projects_0.doc

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