Video-Art Festival Camagüey 2011

Deadline: 31 August 2011



Entry Form download


Absolutely all artists can participate in this Festival, disregarding nationality, age or sex.


1. Every author, or group of authors, is allowed to send in as many art-pieces as he/she chooses to participate with, while all pieces are to be approved by the Selection Committee appointed for this Festival. In the case of the pieces created by more than one author, only one author is to be designated as the representative for the group of authors.

2. Authors may participate in any of the following categories: Mono-channel o Mono-band Video performance Video dance Video installation (video-sculpture and video-environment). For this category, it will be the author´s full responsibility to provide, transport and ensemble all material needed for the purpose. The Organizing Committee will provide the spaces required and the supportive specialized personnel to ensemble the piece.

3. In the case of the installations, it will be required to send, before-hand, a Project which should enclose the art-piece sketching, photos, videos and a short description of how the piece is to function.

4. Topics are totally free of choice and there will be no limits in video duration.

5. Art-works will be presented on disk, in MPG2 or DVD standard (NTSC) formats. Any other format or device than the above-mentioned will be NOT accepted.

6. Every art-work will come accompanied by a Registration Form, previously filled-out and signed, which is to include as well: A: Author´s / authors´ résumé. B: A short description of the theme or idea that inspired the work. C: A photo of the piece or pieces in digital format (JPEG at 300 DPI)


1. All art-works received until August 31st, 2011 will be accepted. The date certified as “mailed” by the post-office will be taken into account for acceptance. 2. A Committee, formed by relevant names of the Visual Art, will select the art-works to compete. 3. The art-works selected will be announced to the authors via email through the very electronic addresses participants put in their Registration Form. 4. The registration fee, obligatory for all artists coming to participate in the Festival (artists and their guests), will be of 80.00 pesos (MN) for national artists and of 100.00 CUC for foreign participants. (Be aware: the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) is the equivalent to USD). 5. The registration fee allows participants: a. To be part of every activity within the Program of the Festival, previously designed by the Organizing Committee. b. To receive a program for the event, and information about all activities, Festival´s publicity plus identification cards. c. Welcome and farewell cocktails. d. City-tour of Camagüey´s Historical Site Area. e. Coffee breaks. f. Certificate of participation. g. To be part in all activities derived from the event and in the farewell party. 6. All works to participate will be sent by ordinary mail to:

4th INTERNATIONAL VIDEO-ART FESTIVAL CAMAGÜEY, 2011 Calle Horca # 194 A / Bembeta y Sedano CP 70 100. Camagüey – Cuba Phone number: (+53) 32 25 6253 Email: / always send your Projects to both emails)


1. One First Award of the International Video-Art Festival will be given, and also as many Acknowledgements as the juries consider. 2. Different national and international institutions will also award and acknowledge by giving financial and technology support, and promotion, to those authors whose art-pieces fall in the awarding criteria of such institutions.


1. This Festival´s Organizing Committee reserves the right to invite those artists, curators, critics and specialists both, foreign and national, that are considered of a special interest for the Festival. 2. All art-work presented in its digital format will become part of the Festival´s Record and the Festival´s Archives to be later used in non-profit cultural presentations, and also as part of the itinerant version of the current event. 3. All people willing to attend the 4th International Video-Art Festival Camagüey 2011 should pay the fees previously mentioned.

Entry Form download

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