Simon Belleau: ijsberg (this is not a tragedy)
127x127cm, archival inkjet print, 2010.

Combine 2011, exposition du 21 novembre du 2 décembre à la galerie FOFA

Finissage and catalogue launch: Thursday, December 1, 5 to 7 p.m.
COMBINE 2011 is the 26th annual exhibition of Concordia Faculty of Fine Arts undergraduates. The exhibition includes a variety of media: photography, sculpture, drawing, video and installation. Juried by representatives from student-run organizations the VAV Gallery, the Fine Arts Student Association and the Art History Reading Room. The assembled works demonstrate a broad spectrum of aesthetic and technical concerns, reveal current interests in contemporary art and showcase an unparalleled vitality.
Undergraduate students with work on display are:

Jérémie Albert | Amy Ball | Simon Belleau | Jessica Campbell | Jeremy Dabrowski | Anna Edell | Maura Losa Forese | Claire Forsynth | Thea Govorchin | Jessica Hade-Précourt | Jean-François Hamelin | Eli Kerr | Irene Lepiesza |Marie Dauverne | Matthew Mewett | Marija Mikulic | Eve Tagny | Ngoc-An Trinh | Véronique Vallières

The FOFA Gallery is proud to announce that COMBINE 2011 represents the multiplicity of approaches to cultural production fostered within the Faculty of Fine Arts. This year’s exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue written entirely by students from the Art History undergraduate program featuring responsive texts from Lisa Hoffman, Madeleine Paré, Clinton Glenn, Marie-Joëlle Duchesne, Marie McNamara, Katharine Stein, Sarah Nesbitt, Pamela Mackenzie, Marie-Michèle Plante, Morgane De Bellefeuille, Eva-Loan Ponton, Beatrice Cloutier-Trepanier, Pascal Robitaille, Marie-Hélène Busque and Cliodna Cussen. The publication was designed by undergraduate Design and Computation Art students Vincent Beauchemin and Kerry MacKinnon.

The project recognizes the support of the Fine Arts Student Alliance, Concordia Council on Student Life, Translation Services in the Office of Researc, and Art History faculty member Dr. Anna Waclawek, as well as the outstanding efforts of Alannah and Rossanne Clamp, last year’s VAV Gallery co-directors.

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